Morning Prayer is a portion of the Daily Office, originally referred to as Mattins (or Matins) in the monastic community. At 7 AM, every day of the week, Morning Prayer is led in St. Phillip’s Chapel at Christ Episcopal Church. Throughout the Anglican Communion, like Evening Prayer and the Eucharist, Morning Prayer in the Book of Common Prayer (1979) is provided in two forms. Both are substantially similar, but one retains some concessions to traditional Elizabethan "Prayer Book" language.
After a sentence of scripture a General Confession is made. A priest, if present, absolves the people; then follows the opening versicle, an antiphon and the Venite, Jubilate, or another psalm or canticle. The appointed psalms are then said or sung, one or two lessons are read, each with a canticle. The Apostles' Creed and Lord's Prayer follow, then the suffrages, and various prayers of thanksgiving and intercession are made for individuals and the community. The service concludes with the grace.
Sharon Greene officiates our Morning Prayer at Christ Church, and we are so blessed by her. Morning Prayer is a service that centers us on the scripture, prayers, and our dependence upon God. It is recited by some Anglicans daily in private, and clergy in many Anglican jurisdictions are required to do so.
We invite you to join Sharon and the faithful Morning Prayer attendees for an enlightened start to your day. The service begins promptly at 7 AM, is it usually takes 20-25 minutes.