Since 1825, Christ Episcopal Church has never lost sight of its primary function which is to go out into the world making disciples of Jesus Christ, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19) We believe that the Holy Bible is the Word of God and we strive to live out its precepts in every aspect of church life and ministry.
Parallel to that is the church’s desire to help those in need through mission and outreach. In the gospels, Jesus calls us to pay particular mind to the poor and needy in our midst. Christ Church has a long history of showing the love of Jesus Christ by serving "the least of these" in our community.
Today Christ Episcopal Church continues to be a beacon for the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and for the building up of the Kingdom of God, all the while focusing its sights continuously on the needs of those outside her beautiful stained glass windows and her open doors.
Feb 17Morning Prayer @ St. Philip's Chapel 7:00 AM |
Feb 18ECW Hearts and Cards Party 11:00 AMJoin the ladies of CEC for a wonderful luncheon and various card games. Tickets are available in the church office for $... |
Feb 23Worship at Christ Church 10:30 AM |
Feb 28EYC Spring Retreat 8:00 AMYouth grades 5-12 are invited to attend the Spring Retreat in Speed, NC. Please contact David Banica or Whitney Paullet ... |
Mar 1EYC Spring Retreat 8:00 AMYouth grades 5-12 are invited to attend the Spring Retreat in Speed, NC. Please contact David Banica or Whitney Paullet ... |
Mar 2EYC Spring Retreat 8:00 AMYouth grades 5-12 are invited to attend the Spring Retreat in Speed, NC. Please contact David Banica or Whitney Paullet ... |
Mar 4Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 6:00 PM Support youth ministry at CEC by attending this annual tradition! |